Steps to Registering for Certification

1. Before You Register

Check out the Courses tab to view FAQs and a schedule of upcoming workshops!

Also, if you are already a member of PTR (tennis) or PPTR (platform tennis), please log in to your member account to receive discounted pricing!

2. Select Your Membership & Add-ons

Becoming a PPR member is easy! Select your membership below to register and click on JOIN NOW. Your membership includes basic liability insurance. If you need to add a club or facility location to your insurance policy, you can add on an additional insurance certificate.

Please note that PPR memberships are non-refundable.

3. Set Up Your Member Profile

Fill out the member information form (don’t forget to add your contact info and address, including your country)! Be sure you are also registered as a member of USA Pickleball (if you are a USA-based coach).

4. Register for a Certification Workshop

Register for your workshop by selecting one from the event registration dropdown. Next, click “Complete Order” to finalize your registration. Your study materials will be sent to you within one business day of registering for your workshop!”

Initial Membership

Valid Through 8/31/2026 


Insurance Add-ons

Memberships purchased for this upcoming membership year include basic, $6 million personal liability insurance coverage. To add a site or facility as a policy holder, please purchase the Additional Insurance Policy below.

Additional Insurance Policy $90

Memberships are non-refundable

Education & Certification

Your membership gives you instant access to our education dashboard and online courses, international and regional workshops and symposiums and so much more.

PPR is the Official Education & Certification Partner of USA Pickleball.


Our members enjoy exclusive discounts on products and services from our partners including Selkirk, Master Athletics,  Adidas, Head, Penn & more.

The PPR Family

Now connect with other coaches around the world with our Professional Pickleball Registry family.

Additional Insurance $90

An Additional Insured Endorsement is used to extend your General Liability policy to include coverage for those additional insureds named in the form. This is only provided for liability arising out of your ongoing operations performed for the additional insured(s) at designated locations, or out of your acts or omissions while working as a subcontractor. This coverage is not automatically included.
The additional Insured Endorsement will provide the Club, etc. coverage only for negligence on the PTR member’s part as it regards to his or her Tennis Instruction. The club still needs to obtain and provide its own Comprehensive General Liability Coverage for court ownership, maintenance and public liability.
The charge for the initial Additional Insured Endorsement is $90, and $55 for each additional endorsement.

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Jones at 843-785-7244 or chris@ptrtennis.org. Please note: The Additional Insured Endorsement may take up to 3 business days to process.


The PPR headquarters will be closed Thursday May 2nd and Friday May 3rd for our staff training and retreat. We're excited to collaborate and connect as a team to provide our members the best experience!​

If you need to purchase additional insurance,
please reference this tutorial.

Contact Form

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